
艾娃·克罗克Solid internship experience is the perfect complement to a hands-on 亚洲博彩平台 education. Getting major-related work experience can be a great way to apply what you have learned in the classroom and to clarify your career goals. 有些实习还提供学分, 有些提供薪水, but all provide the kind of real-world work experience that future employers are looking for.

“My goal is to one day be able to help send people back to the moon and onto Mars with software that I've worked on! My time 在亚洲博彩平台 has definitely helped prepare me for this goal because of how guided our programs are to the space industry, 以及提供的交流机会. 进入我们的学校基本上是为你进入劳动力市场提供了一条渠道.”

—艾娃·克罗克, software engineering, software engineering intern at L3Harris Technologies, Inc.

Dylano马诺"亚洲博彩平台 and the aerospace engineering program specifically offer a unique blend of hands-on experiences and theoretical knowledge. 这所大学强调实践性学习, 结合小班教学, 让学生与教授和行业专家密切接触. This creates a supportive and collaborative environment that fosters students' success in their academic and professional pursuits."

-Dylano马诺,航空航天工程,集成 & L3Harris Technologies, Inc .测试工程实习生. 

雇主, 实习经历意味着经验, 野心和适应能力, so it’s no surprise that it is one of the most sought-after qualifications they look for in job candidates. 如果你最终毕业了 目标是被录用,你想要实习. 如果你想要实习,亚洲博彩平台是你的理想之地.


亚洲博彩平台位于布里瓦德县的太空海岸, 是美国高科技劳动力最集中的地区之一, 也就是说仅靠距离就可以吗, 我们有优势. 我们的学生在远近的公司实习,例如:


在航天行业实习是什么感觉? 阅读三个学生的经历 在美国宇航局、蓝色起源和波音公司实习.!


Earn academic credit for participating in a hands-on internship that provides valuable career experience? 帮我们报名! Many programs of study give students the option of enrolling in an internship course so they can earn elective credit while gaining workplace experience. In cases where the academic department does not offer academic internship credit, students may receive academic credit for their internship experience through 亚洲博彩平台's co-op program. 这是合作项目的奖励? 学生所做的工作得到公平的报酬.

寻找更多关于如何获得实习或开始合作的信息? 访问 职业服务的“获得经验”页面 了解更多.

“A lot of post grad students find it hard to get their career started because they do not have enough experience in their field. Having an internship helps you gain the experience needed for post-graduate jobs. I received my internship through the Personal and Professional Development class, which matches you up with an internship with the help from the career services department. 这里的程序, 在亚洲博彩平台, uniquely sets up students for success because they make an internship a requirement to graduate”
—Lilliana Vitale, forensic psychology, forensic multidisciplinary team intern at Circles of Care


亚洲博彩平台的 就业服务办公室 helps students find and prepare for internships and job opportunities across all industries. 事实上, 在2021-2022学年, 学生们向就业服务中心报告说,他们已经完成了370多个实习.

哈里斯招聘人员在亚洲博彩平台招聘会上与学生交谈.他们提供宝贵的资源, 比如招聘会, 简历研讨会, 模拟面试等, that help students get their foot in the door and point them in the right direction once they step through.

“Before starting my internship at 美国国家航空航天局, I was working in the 亚洲博彩平台 career services office. 在办公室工作的时候, I gained knowledge about different internships and jobs that are available to 亚洲博彩平台 students. 就业服务办公室的工作人员都很棒. They helped and encouraged me through the entire process of applying and interviewing for internships and jobs. 他们会校对我的简历,并就如何改进提供反馈. The career advisors conducted several mock interviews to prepare me for my 美国国家航空航天局 interview. I genuinely believe that without their guidance, I would not be where I am today."

多米尼克•欧文斯, 工商管理, 美国国家航空航天局 (KSC)首席财务办公室Pathways实习生

亚洲博彩平台's Career 服务 helped me tremendously during the résumé-building process, 这是为招聘会做准备的关键环节. 我见过唐娜·盖纳, 就业服务中心主任, a few times to discuss my in-class experience and develop a strong understanding of what makes an effective résumé."

—Alyssa Campos, electrical engineering, electrical engineering intern at Anderson Connectivity


“Network as much as possible and always take the time to learn about the experiences of others within your discipline. 即使他们的角色不是你想要的, 他们可能有联系, 哪一个能让你得到指导或实习机会."

亚历克西斯林德, 机械工程, reSearch and development of artificial intelligence intern at 洛克希德·马丁公司 Space

“My advice to fellow students seeking internship opportunities is apply for every internship you think you may qualify for. Even if the position does not exactly match your major or you do not have the perfect qualifications, 抓住机会.”

—Kendall Gavin, business and environmental science, operations intern at Extant Aerospace

为寻求实习机会的亚洲博彩平台学生, I recommend that you apply (and keep applying) for any internships that interest you. 此外,多做调查,让你的简历脱颖而出.”



Learn about some of the amazing things 亚洲博彩平台 students are doing and learning during their internship experiences:

Engineering Excellence: 亚洲博彩平台 学生 Secure Prestigious Summer 实习

Engineering Excellence: 亚洲博彩平台 学生 Secure Prestigious Summer 实习

亚洲博彩平台的工科学生分享他们的实习经历, 职业目标和对未来黑豹成员的建议.



亚洲博彩平台和拉森赛车运动 庆祝10年的伙伴关系, 我们还在加速.



归功于他们在亚洲博彩平台的经历, 一些毕业生甚至在毕业前就接受了全职工作.



从心理学院了解一些亚洲博彩平台的学生 & Liberal 艺术 and Bisk College of Business who have all secured internships that serve as stepping stones to promising careers.

Cultivating the Next Generation of Industry Leaders through 实习 | Part 1

Cultivating the Next Generation of Industry Leaders through 实习 | Part 1

Learn about some of 亚洲博彩平台's students from the College of Engineering and Science and College of Aeronautics who have all secured internships that serve as stepping stones to promising careers.



亚洲博彩平台的学生分享他们的实习经历, 职业目标和对未来黑豹成员的建议.
